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First they drowned out valleys, now they are desecrating our hills !
The department of Trade & Industry, an offshoot of the Westminster parliament, has approved the erection of 39 giant turbines at Cefn Croes. They have given the go-ahead despite a massive majority (TWO THIRDS) of the people of Cymru opposing this venture and asking for a Public Inquiry.
Should this RAPE of our country be allowed to go ahead?
Rhodri "The Minion" Morgan suggests that English law does not permit the National Assembly of Wales to have a say in the matter !!
EACH of these turbines will require reinforced concrete foundations the size of three double decker buses. These foundations, along with the access roads, associated buildings and power lines will require the land to be drained thus destroying unique habitats as well as causing problems downstream due to flooding and erosion.
The turbines are inneficient in the production of energy, typically generating about one third of their rated power output (that is when they are able to generate power at all) if there is no wind, they produce no power - if the wind is too strong they have to be stopped in order to safeguard the turbines from damage.
The developers and operators of these sites are given huge subsidies (to ensure they are not out of pocket):
the DTI has placed no requirement on these parasites to return the land to it's original condition (even if they could) as the economics of doing so would have to be taken into account. In other words - it might affect their profits if they are forced to do so.
These eyesores, far from producing local employment actually cause more unemployment in areas where there is little enough to go round anyway.
There is a growing concensus among visitors to Our Country that the beautiful landscape they come to see is being buried under an ugly forest of wind turbines.
This affects tourism which has a knock on effect on employment and the local economy.
One Assembly member has even suggested that the farmers on whose land the turbines are situated are making so much money from the venture that they can afford to return the land back to grazing or arable land - irrespective of the nature of the land formerly.
Remember - As soon as any form of construction begins with regard to these "windfarms" - even one turbine the land becomes a BROWNFIELD SITE thus allowing further industrial (and other) development
The reader has to bear in mind that Westminster has a policy of building housing on brownfield sites, and needs to provide cheap housing for the younger generation of that country. Also there is the need to export their undesireables in order to improve housing estates in England - homes have to be provided for these people somewhere!
The hypocrytes at Westminster are providing grants and interest free loans to Third World countries, and China to build coal fired power stations, whilst crowing about their "Green" credentials.
They are actually destroyng Cymru in order to offset the pollution produced by their factories (and to massage their consciences about the pollution they are helping create in other countries).